Oxford Academy

Savanna High School

2024 - 2025

Athletic Participation Code of Conduct


Your student has indicated a desire to compete in Interscholastic Athletics at Savanna High School. This decision on their part involves certain responsibilities and obligations.


  1. Game officials are to be treated with respect at all times. Any harassment or unacceptable behavior by a spectator(s) or student athlete(s) may result in the removal of the spectator(s) or student athlete(s) from the contest for at least one game (No refunds issued if paid contest). If an incident occurs again by the same spectator(s) or student athlete(s) at another game, the spectator(s) or student athlete(s) will be barred from attending any future games for the remainder of the season and may face additional disciplinary action by the school and/or external authorities.



  1. Student Athletes should achieve and maintain good grades in all classes. Student Athletes must meet Anaheim Union Student High School District and CIF academic requirements to be eligible for athletic competition. All Student Athletes in the Anaheim Union High School District’s extracurricular program must maintain a GPA of 2.0 and pass at least four courses quarterly to be eligible.



  1. Freshmen entering from 8th grade are scholastically eligible in their first semester. Afterwards, to be eligible, a student athlete must have passed four subjects (or the equivalent of 20 semester units) of new work the previous quarter and maintained a “C” average. One of the four subjects may be physical education. “New work” means subjects in which passing grades have not been previously earned.

    1. Grade Checks may be collected by coaches of in-season or year round sport programs on the first and third Fridays of the month. If a student-athlete is receiving two “D’s” or one F they may be required to attend study hall/homework club until they have no “F” grade and only one “D” grade. Coaches may require higher academic standards and assign study hall / homework club at anytime.

    2. Student Athletes must maintain a high standard of attendance. Excessive tardies (5 or more in one week) and/or unexcused absences (more than 1 day of absences or the receipt of Truancy Warning letter) may result in a student becoming ineligible for competitive play.



  1. Student Athletes are expected to meet and exceed the behavioral expectations of the school as they represent the student body and are ambassadors of the school to the community. Any suspension of a student athlete or unacceptable on/off campus behavior will result in the removal of the student athlete from the athletic program for up to one calendar year. The Athletic Review Board may review the student athlete’s incident and reinstate the student upon hearing evidence and testimony from witness and/or the student. The Athletic Review Board shall be composed of the following members: Head Coach(es) of athletic program, Athletic Director(s), Assistant Principal over Athletics, and a current teacher of the student athlete.

    1. A student athlete in possession of or under the influence of alcohol, tobacco (including e-cigarettes and/or vape pens), or drugs and/or in possession of any associated paraphernalia will be automatically dismissed from the athletic program for up to one calendar year.

    2. An appeal to (a) may be made to the Athletic Review Board pending an agreement or contract with the Head Coach requiring specific requirements for reinstatement to the program.

    3. All cases reviewed by the Athletic Review Board are done so on a case-by-case basis and the decisions are final.



  1. Conduct on the bus while travelling to and from contests is important to the morale and spirit of the team. District bus regulations will be adhered to at all times.



  1. A true athlete does not quit! If you leave a sport after the first contest and/or the three week try-out period established from the CIF start date, you will not be eligible to participate in the next season of sport until the sport that you quit has completely finished by mutual agreement of both coaches.



  1. No student while representing Savanna High School as a member of any team, may participate on a “like” sport team (Club Team) outside the school jurisdiction at the same time.



  1. From time-to-time, students will engage in recreation sponsored, church sponsored, or summer leagues. These activities are to be purely recreational from the point of view of participants and sponsors, as long as participation does not conflict in time, to the sport in season.



  1. Savanna High School students are to be discouraged from playing on more than one school team during any one season. In exceptional circumstances, when an agreement is reached between the two coaches and Director of Athletics, dual participation may be permitted.



  1. A student athlete must take out health and accident insurance policies in the amount of $1500 before they may participate in any sport. This is required by State Law. If the parents have sufficient coverage of their own, they may state this on the Declaration form. The school has a policy available through CIF that provides accident protection including costs of doctor and hospital bills, as well as life insurance that satisfies State requirements.



  1. Before a student athlete may participate in any athletic activity they must submit to their coach a completed and signed Physician’s Statement and Parent Consent form. The Parent Consent form gives permission to participate in the activity, to travel on school buses and be treated medically in case of an emergency when the parent/guardian cannot be reached.



  1. Any equipment issued to the student athlete becomes their responsibility. Any abuse or loss of this property will result in being billed for its replacement. This procedure is handled through the Director of Athletics and the Athletic Administrator’s office.



  1. The Athletic Period of the Physical Education Program is devoted exclusively to athletes and their training. It is a privilege and shall be treated as such. The following requirements have been established for the Athletic Period Physical Education.

    1. Admittance Requirements

      1. All requests for transfer to the Athletic Period must be initiated with the Head Coach and Director of Athletics (not a counselor).

      2. The student must have permission from his/her Physical Education Teacher, Coach and the Athletic Director.

      3. The student must have completed all CIF and District Eligibility forms.



    1. The athletic period is governed by the same rules and regulations as the regular Physical Education classes. In addition:

      1. There should be no student enrolled who is not an active member of an athletic squad.

      2. When transferring from one team to another, the student must obtain a release from his/her coach and present it to the coach of the new team.

      3. The cutting of this period may result in the transfer of the student to a regular Physical Education class.

      4. Tardiness to class will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action or transfer out of 6th period athletics.

      5. If the coach is absent for any reason, the student will dress out and report to the designated substitute for the day’s activities.



  1. Responsibilities of the Student-Athlete

    1. Meet all requirements concerning parent/guardian permission, physical examination, athletic insurance and eligibility.



    1. Maintain the standards set by the Savanna High School Code at all times.

      1. Maintain high academic standards.

      2. Give respectful attention to all classroom activities.

      3. Maintain proper training habits

      4. Be neat and well groomed.

      5. Show respect for students and faculty members

      6. Be a campus leader



    1. The following may result in disciplinary action which may include dismissal from athletics:

      1. Unexcused absences – regardless of class or classes involved

      2. Habitual Tardiness to classes and practices

      3. Breaking training rules

      4. Poor academic achievement

      5. Unacceptable classroom behavior

      6. Failure to maintain acceptable standards of conduct outside of school



We urge parental support of our Interscholastic Athletic Program at Savanna High School and hope you will be able to attend many of the contests this year.



Savanna athletics are available to all persons without regard to actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. (EC 200, 220, and 260; 5 CCR 4925-4926)  

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